PCT2016 Resupply

One of the most time consuming elements of PCT thru-hike planning is in formulating a coherent resupply strategy. The issues of resupply on the PCT are numerous, due to sheer isolation, climatic inferences, limited communications and sparse water sources in particular regions. I decided early in the process, to follow a blended strategy of mailed resupply boxes to specific pick-up points (post offices, traders and friends), along with planned local resupply in trail towns. This seems to match the optimum mix of convenience and supports the trail towns along the way, in some regions these towns are in isolated areas and need all the support they can get.

I planned the initial-cut for the resupply strategy based on Craigs helpful PCT planning tool available online. This allows hikers to set their typical pace, hours hiked and zero-days which helps to set a basic expectation around miles covered day by day.

2016-04-24 22.37.37

The process of defining the resupply strategy is a case of rinse and repeat – an initial plan is set, this is refined, extended, morphed and eventually aligned into a resupply execution plan defining a schedule and resupply-needs for all 4 months of the trail. The resupply itself and a schedule for resupply boxes then backs into this schedule with hopefully some meetups with friends/family along the trail included in the schedule too!

My own personal resupply plan is available at the following link. Each stopping point listed is a resupply point although the portion of points with a mail drop is lower (18 resupply boxes):

Peteygoes PCT Plan – 2016